Aseptic Fill and Finish

Aseptic Fill and Finish

Pharmicus Pharma has extensive experience in the aseptic processes for manufacturing small volume beta-lactam powder injectables. Throughout the journey of 30 years we have constantly evolved and continue to further develop our CORE EXPERTISE in aseptic processes by providing periodical training to our personnel, adopting the latest techniques and specialized equipment, and implementing effective policies to create and maintain a quality culture in our organization.

Our cleanroom facilities and aseptic processes are designed to minimize contamination risk from materials, equipment, and personnel. Our core manufacturing lines and release testing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies from leading pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers to ensure quality and the highest efficiency for all the process stages.

From the early pre-development studies to the final commercial supply and post launch activities, we design, develop and provide tailored services to fit our customer’s quality and regulatory expectations.

Core Competency


Pre Development


Commercial Scale


Core Competency


Pre Development


Commercial Scale
